Every day we are allowed to accompany our customers to remote beaches and waves. The majority of the travel distance is covered by the aircraft, the most often criticized means of transport when it comes to CO2 emissions.

Global warming is being driven by the ever-increasing greenhouse effect, which in turn is caused by the growing number of greenhouse gases. Probably the most well-known gas among the polluters in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Since 1958, the shares have been rising exponentially from 300 parts per million (ppm) to 410 ppm today.

The consequences are reflected, among other things, by severe and prolonged droughts, coral bleaching, melting glaciers and steady rise in the temperature of the seas and other waters.

You can’t do it without the sea!
As a specialized provider of surfing trips, we depend on an intact nature. We need clean beaches, healthy corals, clean water so we can continue to recommend destinations with perfect waves.

“We are now responsible for acting so that our children and their children can continue to experience the fascination of surfing.”
Sebastian Bosson, Managing Director Sudden Rush

Our commitment

At Sudden Rush, we have a responsibility to achieve a significant positive impact on the common good and the environment through our business. We understand our commitment in all three areas of sustainability and accordingly set ourselves the following goals:


  • Working with partners who understand sustainability and exercise in various forms.
  • Collaboration with partners built up and managed by locals and local people.
  • Collaboration with partners whose accommodations have been built in a sustainable & way.
  • Working with partners who are actively involved in their region and seek other partnerships with NGOs.
  • Cooperation with partners who also inform their guests of the circumstances and motivate them to help, e.g. by Beach Clean Ups
  • At Sudden Rush, we are keen to keep all customers informed about the distances and their travel time. We help to assess whether the trip is worthwhile in terms of climate technology or not.


  • Partnership with NGOs working for flora & fauna on the planet (in progress)
  • Our office exclusively obtains natural electricity from EWZ’s own production.
  • All Sudden Rush employees neutralise their trip (flight) by donating to projects run by small NGOs.
  • Continuous reduction of office supplies and disposable products.


  • Human Resources: Creating a working environment that promotes passion, commitment and reliability.
  • Joint activities outside office hours occur regularly with us and promote team spirit and commitment.
  • Social aspect: Community support in Nicaragua through donations to BFWP (in progress)
  • We invite our customers to neutralise their journey (flight) with projects run by small NGO’s such as BFWP.

Would you like to learn more about sustainability? So we recommend you to study the overview chart of the UN about the“17 Sustainable Development Goals”.