The story of Sudden Rush
When Chris Bachmann returned from his extended stay in Hawaii in 1998, the many impressions of the positive, sunny and relaxed surfing lifestyle did not let him go. He did not want to keep the emotions to himself, but to share them with other people – Sudden Rush was born and was last led by Jürg Eggenberger.

Sudden Rush is considered to be Switzerland’s only specialized travel agency for surfing. Since the the foundation is always the philosophy and activities around surfing in the Focus.

In 2019, the travel agency was sold to waveup marketing gmbh as well as to Kevin Völkle and Tibor Bashonga.

“We share the passion of surf and vouch for responsibly delivering the memories of a lifetime.”

We Book
We are qualitatively convinced of our offers and assume responsibility. This is what we stand for as a surf tour operator.

At Sudden Rush, we not only book your trip but also give you unforgettable experiences. Through our close contact with the destinations, you get the best basis to experience your surfing trip to your wishes.

You Surf
We wish you great encounters on your journey, which develop into long-term friendships, culinary outbursts, and cultural encounters so that you can return home full of inspiration and all your experiences, as well as the newly won brightness, can flow into your everyday life.

We at Sudden Rush, Kevin, Tibor, Ashley, Pascal, and Sebastian are happy to get in touch with you and to put together your next trip connected to your passion, or that it will become – following the trip!

Write to us on or even better: Come for a coffee at our office at Forchstrasse 31 in Zurich.

We Book – You Surf.