After many years of surfing and snowboarding we put all our passion into Sudden Rush. What makes the operation of Sudden Rush unique is that we don't just sell you a surf or snowboard tour. We provide a customized relaxing holiday with some action, adventure and culture thrown in.

You are surfers and snowboarders, kite- or wakeboarders, that follow the roots of the sport and live the litestyle to find your own limits.

You will encounter over the following pages:

- surfcamps- and individual surftravel to the best spots on earth
- heliboarding/skiing in Switzerland and Northern Italy
- snowboardcamps switzerland
- kitesurfcamps worldwide
- wakeboardcamps worldwide

Our brochure is available in German and English. For further information contact us at: [email protected] or call +41-1-420 14 44 We are happy to assist you in English, Italian, French and German
Join the Sudden Rush family!
